
Little Captive

Deviation Actions

GT-Kathryn's avatar

Literature Text

The night had gone from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.

The girl knew that going out when people occupied the room was dangerous, and all the advice from her father rang inside her head like warning bells. Telling her to turn the other way and leave this stupid idea behind.

Her father had gone to bed, and Talia had snuck out.

Starving a couple nights in a row wasn't uncommon for the tiny family, and she knew that, and she'd had enough of it. The rooms in Moonlight All Night, were usually left fairly messy, that gave her enough of a chance to get in and out without being seen or noticed, but from her current leverage point under the TV stand, she could see the huge pairs of socked feet from a young mother and father, trying to get their squirmy daughter into bed.

Talia huffed, ducking a little further into the shadows, easily avoiding any eyesight of the three humans in the room.

Huge, giant beings that stomped around everywhere they went. Unknowing and uncaring for her own kind. The natural reaction to grab was a vision seared into her head, the picture of her outstretched hand reaching for--

The brunette cut the thought off, it was too dark a place to linger in. She'd get distracted and getting distracted could easily be your undoing.

Shivering a little, the talking from the huge family seemed to die down and the girl found that this time would possibly be her best time to act. The light was still on, and pushing forwards, she saw something that made her freeze completely in her spot.

"Goodnight love," the mother leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the blonde girl's head, a giggle emitting from her.

"Goodnight mama," she retorted, grasping her mother's fingers in a small, light hold. A hand that barely took up her mother's palm, but could easily wrap completely around someone as small as Talia. There was an innocence about the girl, but the brunette couldn't feel it from within her. She knew that humans were dangerous. Adults were horrid, but kids.. her heart lurched. Kids would see you as nothing more than a toy. Something to play with... treating you like you were nothing more than an interest or an action figure.

Gasping slightly, as the father's foot landed right near her hiding spot to turn the television off manually, she lurched back and pressed herself tightly against the leg of the stand, trying to stay as out of sight as possible. "Evangeline," the heavy, large voice rattled around her. "I'm going to head out and get some ice, maybe pick up a few drinks on the way. I shouldn't be gone long."

Talia could hear a sharing of affection and the little girl squealed, covering her eyes and giggling uncontrollably. "Mama no! Daddy has cooties!"

Evangeline smiled widely, shaking her head. "Take your time, Tyler. Sierra should be asleep by then." The words were pointed teasingly and the hidden companion in the room bit her lip, they were just a normal family... huge and terrifying, but completely normal..

Taking a deep breath, the door shutting shook through her and she steadied herself quickly, grasping onto the leg this time, peering out into the gigantic room, piecing the situation together. Mindfully searching out every intricate little detail. Her nails scraped against the wood, peeling off more of the already peeling paint. A short breath escaped her lips as the mother flicked the large light off before heading into the washroom.

Sierra, the little girl, certainly was in bed by now. And she couldn't see any squirmy feet, so that gave her the 'go ahead'.

Pushing out, she heard the water running noisily from inside the washroom; Talia had deemed the mother was showering. After sitting and studying this family, she knew that Evangeline was a night showerer, instead of getting up in the early morning and getting it done then. Which was fair, Talia wasn't an early riser most mornings either..

Stepping out into the open, she waited for anything saying she was being watched. Any ungodly feeling that leapt into her stomach, the weight of eyes on her back. When nothing came up, she deemed she was home free.

Moving quickly and silently, Talia surveyed the room, trying to catch sight of anything that could be an asset to her. Slight humming caught her attention and she looked up to the bed hesitantly, hoping to God that Sierra wasn't watching her, and was relieved to find that no one had their eyes on her. Yes, only one current occupant in the main room, but Tyler could return at any second.

Two huge beds towered over head as she continued on, and stretching on even farther than that was the impossibly high ceiling as tiny feet, making no sound against the thick, coarse carpet under her. It was a pale beige, a bland colour she had been acquainted with many a' time.

The bed was a good place to start looking for fallen items, but the unoccupied one first. There had to be something. Heading over, she felt so much better after having the underbelly of the bed overhead once more. Creaky old springs that jolted with every movement a human made. She tightened her bag around her torso and kept going, trying to just ... relax. She knew this was a bad idea, and when her eyes caught sight of a little animal cookie laying right by the bed of the little girl, she felt her stomach rumble angrily. Reminding her just how hungry she was.

She stepped closer, still hidden in the darkness, Talia bit her lip. Nervously eyeing the non-moving bed currently, and staring at the cookie that had fallen. She shuffled her feet, scuffing her boot against the carpet before tightening her grasp on the strap.

It wasn't before she'd stepped out into the open had she felt the weight of eyes on her form.

Head snapping upwards, tiny hazels locked on large, wide blue eyes zeroing in on her very being. There was a tense moment shared, a pregnant silence, both girls trying to decide what to do. Sierra seemed absolutely entranced with the tiny person, her mouth slightly open as her eyes locked completely on the small thing. And Talia was terrified. Nothing less.

Talia felt her legs tensing and before anything else could happen, or the kid could reach for her, she took off like a shot. Stumbling over herself, a mantra going off in her head.

"Kids are a danger Talia. Adults will crush you, kids will keep you."

The rumbling of the world around her, and loud thump to the floor showed that the little girl was on the move, and Talia only had a limited time to get back under that television stand.

"Wait-!" Sierra's voice cried out, trying desperately to get the person's attention, wanting nothing more than to keep her from getting away. Maybe if the tiny person was a fairy, her mother had always said that fairies could grant wishes if you were able to catch them. This little girl seemed to have her wings tucked from sight.

Clearing the distance between a tiny, frantic escape attempt was easy enough when she was literally under three inches, and Sierra lurched forwards. Both hands outstretched and she tumbled to the floor, landing on her stomach and clamping her hands firmly around the tiny body. She made sure there was no escape as she scooped the little thing off the ground.

Talia's heart was beating scarily fast, her throat was closing up on her as her destination was so close. Her mad dash was stopped immediately as soon as two massive flesh walls slammed down in front of her, before pinning her to the floor, and twisting her arm in a dangerously painful position. She was encased completely, head to toe as little light seeped in through the girl's fingers. It was a dark room anyways, with the lights off, but she felt like she was being enclosed.

The hands currently around her could move to crush in a moment's notice, killing or breaking her limbs instantly. And she could do absolutely nothing to stop it.

She cried out, terror grasping her wrists, kicking furiously at the fingers, trying to ensure nothing could hurt her. Even if her attempts were futile.

"Please calm down," Sierra whispered, feeling the tiny struggles, but choosing consciously to ignore them. "I don't want to hurt you, honest! Mama said that if you were to ever catch a fairy, they'd grant you a wish!"

The content sound in the Sierra's voice made Talia shudder, and freeze for a moment, before relenting and her struggles never resumed vehemently. Just because the kid said she wouldn't hurt her, didn't mean that she wouldn't go back on that notion.

Kicking hopelessly, the fingers suddenly shifted and her world was turning this way and that, brown eyes squeezed tight as she tried to mentally organize herself. She was released into an open palm. Talia briefly caught sight of the other huge hand reaching forwards, before having herself pinned under a single fingertip, flipping her over briefly and examining. Large blue eyes searching for something she didn't have.

"You don't have any wings.." Sierra murmured softly, searching over her tiny, writhing catch. The little person was just so tiny... she had to be a fairy, what else could she be? "You're a silly lookin' fairy, arentcha?"

Talia was carelessly flipped over once more, throwing her world off teeter for a moment, and her legs were mercilessly captured in a quick fist, now completely helpless in the little girl's grasp, the fingers compressing uncomfortably as they shoved her bag right into her side. Sierra's large eyes held no malice, but just a look of complete and utter fascination.

Sierra's great pools narrowed, studying the girl once more, trying to decide what to do with her. Her mother was still in the shower, so, she still had some extra time. Maybe she could keep the little girl.. did people ever get more than one wish?

She blinked. "So.. can I have my wish now?"

Talia craned her neck upwards, her body in an unfavorable position. Still trying to squirm free, she watched as Sierra shifted herself to sit more comfortably on the floor. Now her gaze was certainly unwavering. Talia could see nothing but the huge face, features magnetized frighteningly close. Her dad was right.. kids wouldn't let you go, she was going to be kept. Like a pet! Her stomach dropped into her feet, fighting with everything in her, but the girl only pressed her lips into a thin line.

Sierra's light eyebrows drew forwards, in confusion, using her free hand to nudge at the tiny girl's shoulders still poking out from her closed fist. "Can you even understand me? I said I wasn't gonna hurtcha."

Talia flinched from the large words, trying not to break down right then and there. Everything in her was screaming at her to bite the kid just to get her released, it didn't matter how far the drop was, she could always angle herself into a better landing position.

Her lungs were being compressed painfully and breathing all the way in wasn't completely possible. The loud rumbling words only served to frighten her more and Sierra seemed to take notice of this terror.

She pursed her lips. She didn't mean to scare the little fairy! She only wanted her wish, and possibly even more! It was a childish innocence, and that unknown greed that plenty of humans held within them. "Please..?"

Talia looked up, wide hazels, glistening with a rational fear, she shivered under the unyielding gaze and lack of personal space. "W-what..?" She stammered, horrified by the very idea of talking to a human. But the girl's face lit up like a Christmas tree, everything about her shouted happiness.

"Finally," Sierra laughed giddily. "You can speak, for a minute I thought you couldn't understand me." She tilted her hand once more, getting a better look at the girl. She had long, wavy brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, being held together by a tiny black ribbon that was nearly impossible to see. "My name's Sierra, what's yours?"

The brunette was taken aback at the sudden introduction, everything about this was wrong. Horribly wrong. Talia had sort of wanted to say something, maybe even plead to be released, but before she could, another loud voice cut her off.

"Sierra?" Evangeline's voice was loud as the door to the washroom was suddenly pulled effortlessly open, new light flooding into the motel room. "Are you out of bed?"

Sierra blinked, startled that her mother's shower had ended so quickly. "Sorry Mama!" She called back, pushing herself into a stand and quickly walking to her 'My Little Pony' backpack. Making sure that Talia was tucked against her chest to ensure that her mother couldn't see her. Glancing quickly between Talia and the backpack, a split decision was made. Talia's eyes widened and she tried to writhe free even harder. This couldn't have gone more wrong! "I just needed Ned from my backpack! I can't sleep without him." Stuffing the squirmy person into her bag, she grabbed her stuffed alley cat and grabbed the metal zipper.

Looking into the bag, watching as Talia stumbled inside and tried to right herself on the clothing and objects inside, she gave a half smile. "Sorry," she whispered zipped it up, sealing Talia in an eerie darkness.

"Get back to bed sweetheart," her mother stated, her voice slightly muffled by the wall of material separating the both of them, "don't let daddy catch you out of bed. We have a long trip back home tomorrow. We're leaving early so we can get some breakfast before driving again."

Hearing that broke the brunette inside, all the fear, all the anger, all the hidden tears were suddenly breaking loose. It started with one, then two, then three rolled down her cheeks and she finally slumped into the clothing beneath her.

The motel she'd known for her entire life was going to be left behind. Her father was going to be alone without knowing what had happened to his daughter. Letting a helpless wail pierce the still, stuffy air in the pack, she covered her face with her hands and heaved. Water seeped through the cracks in her fingers as she sobbed.

Nothing her dad had said could help her now. She was a goner.

"Okay mama!" Sierra replied happily, climbing back into bed and clutching the stuffed cat close to her chest, her bright blue eyes flickering back over to the backpack. She had half a mind to tell her mom about her catch, but she remembered swiftly that telling anybody else and you would lose your privilege to get a wish granted. "I'll go to bed now."

The sound of the door to the motel room opening caught Talia's attention and from here on in, she knew her fate had been sealed. Torn from her own hands and set into the very palms of a human child.


She hadn't realized she'd nodded off before everything seemed to be on the move again. Talia, still inside the backpack, was being tossed about harshly. Someone else had to be carrying the bag, wouldn't Sierra be a little more careful since she knew the girl was inside?

Her thoughts were shattered when she heard the little girl's voice right from outside her fabric prison.

"When are we gonna eat breakfast? I'm hungry," her voice was sweet and innocent, but now laced with the knowledge that she was currently hiding an entire person effortless in the backpack currently around her shoulders. She swung their intertwined fingers as Tyler unlocked the car.

The loud sound rumbled around her and she flinched. Hands moving instantly to cover her ears as she cried out. Talia knew they'd left the room by now, and they were about to leave her home behind. Without even knowing it... She choked on another sob, desperately trying to escape it's confines.

"Hand me your bag Sierra, I'll put it in the back with the rest of the stuff," Tyler said, his voice still as loud and powerful as ever.

Sierra shuffled on her feet, the little blonde then shook her head. Knowing that her captive would be thrown around in the back. She didn't want the fairy girl to get hurt! "Can I keep it up with me? I put Ned back inside, and if you put it in the back, I won't be able to reach him if I want him."

Evangeline smiled, brushing her daughter's blonde hair back and smoothing her fingers through the silky strands. "Why don't we just take Ned out of there? It would give you more space in the backseat."

"No!" Sierra's hands tightened on the straps of her backpack, "I want it up in the back with me. I don't want it out of reach, mama."

The young parents shared a look before Tyler broke into a gentle smile. "Alright sweetheart," he glanced to his wife, "would you mind checking us out? I'll get the rest of the car packed up."

Happily, Sierra bounded her way to her side of the car, opening the door and easily climbing inside. Pulling her pack from her shoulders, she set it to her side and did up her seatbelt as her father was busy packing the trunk, and her mother had left to check out so they could be on their way home.

Unknowingly, Talia was once more thrown about inside the dark confines of the pack. Scrambling around in her blind panic, she managed to lodge her hands into some clothes and hold herself down as everything happened around her.

She was being taken away. She was never going to see her father again.. and all because of a stupid stunt that could have been easily avoided.

The sounds of a loud zipper undoing rattled around her cloth prison and light filtered in. She blinked; brown, teary eyes seeing the earnest look in large blue ones from above her. The emotion in those great hues were undeniable, but she was being stolen away from her home, and Talia was technically the older girl here. She had superiority over the young girl. She wasn't big, but she had age on her side. Sierra couldn't have been any older than nine or ten, so giving her a lecture wouldn't be hard.

The questions were, when would Tyler and Evangeline get into the vehicle and would Sierra mention the small captive?

"Hi little fairy," she beamed into the bag, opening it entirely to peer downwards at the little woman. "I hope that wasn't too rough for you. I was trying my best.."

Talia flinched backwards on instinct, backing right into the stuffed alley cat the girl liked to refer to as 'Ned'. She then came to a horrifying realization, if she didn't stand up for herself, would she simply be renamed as a toy?

Steadying her shaking hands a little more, she looked up to the girl. Curious blue eyes searching her form. "S-Sierra," she said hushed, her voice trembling, "this isn't fair."

Light brows pulled forwards, crinkling the young girl's forehead in confusion. Her fingers were laced around the top of the bag to hold it open. "What isn't fair?" There seemed to be no flicker of realization on the girl's face. Sierra didn't seem to honestly know that she was stealing Talia from the only home she'd ever known.

"I-I live in this motel," she finally said, trying to stand up for herself, although the clothes were making it difficult for her to keep her balance. "And you're taking m-me away from my dad." Yes, admitting that there were more of her kind wasn't a good idea, but Sierra was a kid. No one listened to children about matters like this. "A-and that's what's not fair."

It didn't seem to click right away, but it didn't take long for those large blue eyes to widen suddenly, the corners were beginning to slowly well with tears. Sierra slowly began to piece together what she'd really done. "Y-you have a family?" The girl whispered, her voice becoming choked up with tears. She blinked the water back, trying not to cry. Knowing her father would ask what was wrong and then bad things could happen. "I-I'm st-stealing you?"

Talia tensed at the sudden emotion in the kid's voice. She didn't want to make her cry, but getting back home to her father was currently much more important. "I-in a way.. yes, you are." It was more of a kidnapping technically, just because Talia was smaller than the average human, it didn't make her any less human. She clamped her hand around her arm, trying to work around the kid's tears.

Sierra used the heels of her hands to wipe at her tears away, clearing up any sign that she might've, save for the redness in her cheeks and the pouting of her lower lip, but she focused her gaze back on Talia. "But mama said that if you catch a fairy, they have to grant you a wish."

There she goes with that again, the brunette was about to rub a hand down her face when instead her area darkened around her. Talia cried out as a hand larger than she was entered the scene again and easily let the fingers wrap around her small waist. She was hoisted out simply, and the huge blue eyes were focused on her again.

"Since I caught you, that means I get a wish," she said again. The little girl tried not to let the shout from Talia make her feel too bad. She was just so small...

She furrowed her brows as Talia began to squirm again, trying her best to fight her way out. "I'm not a fairy," she finally demanded, voice cracking with anticipation, instead of tears filling Sierra's eyes, they brimmed Talia's. "I just want to go back to my dad! I want to go home!"

The sudden out lash from the tiny girl caught Sierra off guard, and she felt her heart sink into her feet. Her eyes fell, losing some of that childish light, but she ignored the pleads and instead listened for what she wanted to hear. "If you're not a fairy, then what are you?"

That made her freeze her struggles again. What am I? The thought rang through her head a couple times before she shook it out, brown ponytail swaying lightly from side to side. "That doesn't matter," a tear slowly leaked down Talia's flushed face, "please, just... let me go."

Sierra paused, already feeling terrible for taking her away from her home, but she fought those feelings down. Logic was sort of creeping up on her. "I-I can't, it's too dangerous out here for someone as small as you and mama just finished getting the room."

Hearing that, Talia's eyes snapped to the front window, seeing Evangeline's approaching form. Panic flooded her system at the thought of being completely helpless in her daughter's hold. Adults listen to each other, so being seen by either Evangeline or Tyler would get her killed.

"So.. you have to stay with me now," Sierra lowered her voice and brushed a fingertip over the top of Talia's head, as if petting a small animal in a gesture that would hopefully sooth it. "It's okay.. I won't let anything happen to you."

Her struggles resumed as instead of being put back into the backpack, Talia was tucked away inside of Sierra's jacket, the girl's pocket was completely zipped up and sealed the brunette even further from safety. Even further away from her father. She knew better than to cry out, as the sounds of Sierra's parents getting into the car caught her attention. "No," she whispered, as more tears began to seep from her eyes again, "... please."

It was useless, she was still trapped. And that wasn't going to change.


She knew what was happening now, breakfast in a diner. There was no to-go, nothing like just order and leave. They were heading right inside, and Talia was being bumped against a huge expanse of abdomen. The pocket and positioned itself uncomfortably and her fingers had dug into the soft fabric, knuckles growing increasingly white. She let out an unsteady breath, hearing the door open and the sudden mingle of countless human voices made her freeze completely.

Her breath hitched in the back of her throat and her face was, once more, clear of any tears. Eyes wide as her chest rose and fell unsteadily. She swallowed thickly, knowing now that she was in the most dangerous position someone her size could be in.

Surrounded by lots of humans that had no idea about her existence, and if Sierra made one bad choice - like bringing her out into the open per say - her world would be done for.

If Talia somehow managed to escape the grips grasping fingers, she'd have no where to go but down, and being on the floor with so many large shoes. Shoes three times the size she was would and could end up in a horrid disaster. Humans were a danger on their own, but in groups it was much worse.

The overly cheery voice of a woman caught her attention sharply and she was jerked to the side accidentally by Sierra, before the swaying of her walk was in order once more. The tiny brunette inside was doing everything she could to keep herself from throwing up. Eyes squeezed tight, trying to put herself into her happy place. None of it was working as the mingle of voices began to drown her own thoughts out.

Shivering in place, Talia had absolutely no idea what to do. She was probably a good hour away from home now, and there was no possible way for her to escape and walk all that way back. It'd take months to do such a trek like that. She was a sitting duck. Stranded and alone.

As they reached their table, Sierra hoped up onto one side of the booth and both her parents took the other side, giving her a good amount of space.

Searching through the menu, Sierra's eyes scanned over some pancakes. It was still early enough to order breakfast and she grinned as she pointed to it on the menu, to show her parents so they'd order for her. "And some chocolate milk please."

Evangeline nodded and smiled warmly as Tyler and her soon began to decide what they could have, maybe share something together.

While her mom and dad were distracted, Sierra unzipped her pocket.

Talia had been waiting for this moment. From the very time she'd been stuck in a pocket, getting out might be her only chance. Maybe risking it on the floor would be better than being kept around like a Polly Pocket to some little girl. Sierra barely understood that Talia was just as human as she was. A hard time even fathoming it.

As soon as she felt the shift in weight, and the sound of the zipper releasing it's metal teeth, she positioned herself and bolted out. Scrambling onto the bright red booth, as she stumbled to catch herself. Scooching back as Sierra watched with wide eyes, she heard the startled exclamation.

So did Tyler and Evangeline.

"Something wrong, sweetheart?" Tyler asked, looking to his young daughter curiously.

Sierra smiled, trying to play it off as she side eyed Talia to make sure she kept herself cornered between the back of the seat and the wall where the window was. "I just saw a fruit fly, it just surprised me daddy."

He smiled softly, before nodding and going back to decide what was for breakfast.

"What're you doing? I said I wasn't gonna hurtcha," she urged in a whisper, scooting closer to the tiny shivering body. "The best place for you is to come home with me now. I'll take care of you, I said so!"

Talia shook her head, sinking down as she gazed up in absolute terror. The whole new perspective was killing her. She was craning her neck backwards, brown eyes wide and terrified as she tried in vain to think of what to do. Her whole body was trembling once more, nothing was racing through her head. Her heart was hammering one hundred miles an hour and there was no physical way for her to calm down. Not when she was staring up at the very kid who'd taken her away from the place she'd grown up in.

Her brown satchel hung around her shoulders and she clutched it to her. reaching inside, the girl felt around and grabbed the hilt of her weapon. Yanking it out into the light, it was revealed that Talia had a little tack. A poor excuse of protection, but it'd work.

"Don't touch me!" She hissed, lifting a foot so she could kick at the hand she noticed, raising from it's position by Sierra's side. "I'm not a toy, and you can't treat me like I am one!" Tears slowly travelled down Talia's cheeks, she was coming off much weaker than she was, but when you were faced with a giant who stole you away, you probably wouldn't be in a great mood either. She wasn't stable, and probably wouldn't be for a very long time.

Dad was right. Kids will keep you..

She sniffled, her fingers white knuckled on the handle of her tack, trying to find a way to calm herself down. Sierra just sat there, face way up high almost struck with shock. This was the second time the tiny girl had lashed out, trying in defense to get away, and that broke Sierra's heart even further. She had done something unforgivable... that much was obvious; and by keeping Talia, she was only going to make matters worse. But what else could she do?

Noticing the small weapon, Sierra realized just how small the girl really was...

"I-I didn't mean to make you feel like a toy.." Sierra whispered, not grabbing her parents attention, getting down a little lower and trying to make herself seem as small as possible, but she bit her lip as she watched Talia try and flinch further back into the wall. "Honest, but there's no where else for you to go. You're with me and family now, you can be a part of our family instead." Making light of the situation.. kids didn't like to be sad for long. "Please... don't be scared anymore. I really just want to help you now."

Sierra was well aware now that Talia wasn't a fairy, which meant that there would be no wishes granted, but that didn't mean that they couldn't try and get along, right?

Talia shook her head, sniffled as she used her sleeves to wipe away the tears that wouldn't stop. She was terrified, and it wasn't going to change at all. The whole meaning of this new perspective wasn't going to help Sierra make up for what she had done, and once they got back to her house, it was probably going to be long forgotten and Talia would be forced into doll clothes or something of the such.

Before Talia could react, the waitress came back and Sierra's hand reached out quickly and wrapped around her waist. Wrestling the tack out of Talia's grasp, she dropped it to the floor carelessly, and using both hands to cover the girl from sight, she smiled innocently as she raised herself into a sit.

While orders were being taken, Talia was being squished between two palms, just enough so that she couldn't possibly wiggle away. But that wasn't going to stop her from trying her best! Using her hands, she clawed into the large palms under her and she tried to at least cause some pain. She hated the thought of hurting the little girl, but without her tack, which now laid somewhere completely out of reach, Talia only had her wits.

Wiggling forwards, the hands tightened slightly at the movement, restricting anything now. It was tight and confining, and her breathing was getting slower, but she reacted to that. Forcing herself to take deeper, longer, more meaningful breaths, Talia dug her nails further into the skin beneath her.

"Ow!" Sierra suddenly said, her hands completely releasing the person onto the seat once more, this time on the opposite side. Right in the open view of mainly everyone in the diner, but no one seemed to care too much. Though, a pair of sharp green eyes made her suck in a breath of air quickly. "You little-"

"Sierra, what happened?" Evangeline's brows were furrowed now, their girl had started acting rather strange since the motel and she was starting to get worried, "how'd you hurt yourself?"

"This table has a sharp edge.." she mumbled, looking down at the little marks in her hands. Before Sierra had another chance to grab for Talia, someone else approached the table.

Tyler straightened himself up, watching this newcomer carefully. Something about him just set the other male off, a watchful gaze on the guy. Sharp green eyes, dark blonde hair styled upwards and a look that almost gave off an unfriendly aura. Leather jacket, dirty, worn jeans, a stance that would tell anyone else to sort of 'back off'. "Can we help you sir?"

The man smiled, trying to come off a little more friendly, but his eyes were somewhat locked down on the little form shivering on the red booth. Sierra could see what he was looking at and she narrowed her eyes. "I just couldn't help but notice that your daughter dropped something," he finally said, lowering himself down just enough so that he could reach under the table, and get a little more eyelevel with the small person.

Talia didn't have much time to react, as one of the man's hands reached for something blindly under the table, his other was coming right for her. Scrambling backwards in a desperate escape attempt, she was too late.

Fingers longer than she was tall quickly coiled around her small body and she was encased completely in a fist. Her arms were pinned to her side and darkness overthrew her. Wriggling, trying to find some sort of leverage, Talia was devastated to find that there was no getting out of this. She was now at this stranger's mercy. An adult, no less, which meant that the end was nigh.

With the tiny woman now completely in his grasp, he pulled his hand back and reached our from under the table, pulling back a freshly pressed serviette and setting it on the table. Those same sharp green eyes then focused on Sierra, the grin never leaving his face. "People like her aren't for play, kiddo," and realization slipped over the girl's face.

Basically, what he seemed to be doing was almost something like a rescue. Although, Sierra had no idea what would happen the girl now, she couldn't really fight it. But that didn't mean she was happy about having Talia taken so easily. She knew the words were directed her way and she dipped her into a slow nod. "T-thank you for getting my napkin," she didn't want to give away the hint that Talia had been there all along.

The movement made vertigo hit like a freight train and she closed her eyes, she couldn't tell if this was worse than being half exposed or not. Sierra's hand hadn't been big enough to encase her completely, but this man had easily done so and she could quite possibly have room to spare if she hadn't of been held so snugly. Trying her best wasn't good enough, she was easily outmatched by every finger keeping her in place. Outmatched in size and most definitely strength. If she couldn't escape the grasp of a little human girl, there was no way she was going to get out of that of an adult male.

Her position was moved and she suddenly was deposited, actually quiet gently, into yet another pocket. This one was much deeper and she failed to right herself as she blinked around in the dark. Hands blindly reaching around, trying to find somewhere to position herself well enough to escape, but that was hopeless.

Talia was startled as the human started walking away and she was swung backwards, bumping into a large expanse of clothed chest. The sound of a thundering heart bigger than she was frightened her, but there was something about it that was... comforting in a way. If she had to admit, getting away from Sierra was most welcomed, but what had she been thrown into now?
Well, look who's back? Me! Things on my plate have finally calmed down enough for me to get something typed out. And God am I thankful for that! I had so much going on and so little time to it, and ugh, it stressed me out. Everything is good now though, so I should be much more active!

Either way, I have been writing this for quite some time now and I have finished it! I'm glad for that too, because this was a fun one to write. It's still undecided if I'll continue this into a second part or not.

I am also hinting at using nightmares06's BA verse within this.

Although, most of the characters are mine c:

Talia, Sierra, Evangeline and Tyler (c) Me
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MatrixMindAngel's avatar

You should do a second part, this story really deserves it!